Wednesday, June 4, 2014

embrace the camera

if i had a photographic memory, i wouldn't have to take so many photos.
i love a great photo and today, more people are taking photos than ever before.
i started carrying my camera everywhere when i started college.
i caught every moment.
to recall the big moments, a photographic mind is not necessary. 
but when i look through the stills and the film, it is the little moments.
it is the walk to practice when we cannot stop laughing,
the study breaks and the wine nights. writing a song together and
crying over our favorite movie.
embrace the camera.
when parents are laughing at some weird inside joke
and have no idea of how much their love for one another inspires you.
embrace the camera
when you and your siblings are all wearing ridiculous matching sweaters.
embrace the camera.
when your man doesn't feel like saying cheese, that's fine
(he will look sexy with his serious face on).
embrace the camera.
whether you have a nikon 900xqefazkjgrtjlngwklrtjn or just your phone
embrace the camera.
in the past i have let my own insecurities get in the way of saving memories.
i have looked at images and decided my arm is a large salami and my ass
as wide as a house.
but that is not what it is about.
will i ever be at a point where i look in the mirror and say,
"wow...i would literally change nothing about what im seeing!"
probably not.
and that is all the reason to not discourage yourself!
when i look at a photo and feel memories, i am not thinking about my appearance,
im actually not thinking about me at all.
im taken back to that moment in time,
what we were doing, why we were laughing or
why we weren't. 
i am so thankful for 'ugly' photos and the decision to
embrace the camera. 

bikini family pic lol nobody LOVED it

she was annoyed
we were taking a stroll

my first collegiate game
this guy friend ended up being my husband

hadn't seen each other in 2 months and were wearing the same thing

these two
she was amazed
best blur ever
she hated this

^^ he was tired ^^
i look like a gnome, he still looks at me like this

^^dying our hair^^
they were tired

a great lesson

its funny because we looked like dudes

hated my brown this photo
he didn't want to say cheese :)

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