Tuesday, May 6, 2014

the power in words

your words don't just matter
they are the most important thing you have.
i was raised on this thinking. your words will either bring life and encouragement or death and destruction. 
words are powerful. the meaning behind three short words, uttered by angels did more for humanity than any army or world leader could ever imagine doing. "he's not here" was the short sentence used to confirm that Jesus had left the tomb, an action that would change the world. i nanny for a ten year old boy and a seven year old girl and they've got a lot going on. school, sports, dance, friends, etc. There are times when they just do not want to go to practice, they're over it. After multiple tries of bribery and pleading, i started trying "declarations." 
Three simple questions, are you strong? are you confident? can you do this?
after three yes' and a deep breath i tell them to keep repeating that.
i am strong
i am confident
i can do this
There was no power in my plea for them to get out of the car or in the promise of froyo. the power was in their own words. 
i probably got this idea from 'the help' (amazing movie) but one of the popular lines is the nanny saying to the little girl "you is kind, you is smart, you is important" 
But i have done this before i shared it with the kids. last year was my senior year in college and things weren't great. i was having the worst year of softball in my entire career and i couldn't see zach for six months. about halfway through the year i started a daily declaration. every morning when i woke up and every night before i went to sleep, i would take a deep breath, close my eyes and say out loud 'i am satisfied in you' Just me in my room, alone with God, i said it. every day. some days i really felt it, i meant it from my heart. other days i said and as i was saying it, my head was spinning with questions and anger and i would have to follow it with 'make my heart believe.' but i said it. 
unfortunately, i have been wreck less with my words. i have caused anger and hurt in people that i love and probably some that i don't even know. i have lived the painful reality of saying something you regret. the thing about letting words carelessly fall out of your mouth is that you can't take them back. no matter what. thankfully people show grace and forgiveness. But just as lethal a harsh word can be is how life giving an intentional, kind word can be. Words of encouragement, affirmation and love have helped shape who i am! When someone sends me a random paragraph of truth, i cry because i just love when people are intentional with their words.
This is why i love declarations, it gives me an opportunity to speak truth into my own life and to be intentional with my words.
I say it until my heart feels it. I say it because my heart feels it. I say it because i need it. I say it because God is good to me and I can't allow myself to forget that, no matter my situation.
Speak life to yourself, your husband, your wife, your kids, your family, your friends, your teacher, the cashier at the grocery store.
speak life

 my declaration for right now: God loves me and will never stop fighting for me

if you need some inspiration in finding a declaration, this song is a good place to start: Faith by Jason Upton


  1. You are faithful to speak life. I love that about you.

  2. your encouragement is some of my favorite in the world kate!
